Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My coffee shop sketch

For my final project I am going to make a coffee shop in a program called 3D home architect. It is a good program but there is not much verity in the thing use can use like windows doors and other stuff like that.

I don’t really know what goes into making a good coffee shop but I think I have and idea of what to do for it. I have a layout and some other stuff done but I am still thinking about the inside and what to do with it. I am thinking of having a lot of windows on the side of the building where I have the outside sitting area.

I have trees all over the outside of the coffee shop. I like the trees because it kind of breaks up the walls so it looks like it dose not just repeat over and over agene. And I think it makes the corners look better than just having nothing there compared to a tree or a bush or anything that takes your eyes away form the wall.

The roof is being the most annoying thing to me as of right now because I can’t find and style that fits in with the rest of the building

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Future architecture

Ryan Brown
Future architecture
Its hard for me to get a grasp on what is different between post modern architecture and modern architecture. And how that would fit into organic architecture. Organic architecture is where I think that architecture going ,not just fitting into nature but using recycled materials and have a sense of what is going to happen when the house is outdated and need to be torn down. If we can use these new “space age” materials to help build houses in the suburbs instead of just the big city, I think that it would make the cost of house’s go down and have it be more environmentally friendly.

I think that its boring when designers build house that all look the same. Like in the suburbs when every house is the same just different colors and different landscape. But it dose fit the need of what people what.