Thursday, December 6, 2018

What Knowledge Do I Want

When I read someone who's a real master of the English language it seem they can get so much detail into so few words. I want to know how to explain something to someone perfectly without needing a whole page. I also want to know how to make someone feeling something using path, ethos and logos better. I also want to turn in a paper and get full points and be able to interest the reader every time no matter what I'm writing about.


Singer, Bryan. Bohemian Rhapsody. 20th Century Fox. late 2018. The writer of this is Bryan singer but the real author to me is queen and more specifically Freddy mercury. The audience seems to be more directed towards older music lovers. Purpose of the movie was to celebrate queen and tell more of freely Mercurys story. I asked a few people of what they new about Freddy and all they really new is that he was homosexual. But this movie but his life into a better spot light because even though its 2018 I feel with the older generation that's still something looked down on. The subject is their music and how new it was to everyone back then. A good scene to portray this is when they propose the 6min long song and end of walking away from the producer. The why to me was to try and explain how amazing their music was to anyone who didn't get to see them live, or to those who where not alive when their music was influencing a generation.
Jaco, Wasalu. DROGAS WAVE. 2018, 21, September. 1st and 15th Productions, Thirty Tigers. I would like more time to listen to the album but right off the bat the problem I think he's trying to talk about is the exportation of slaves during the 1800's. More specially a sunken slave boat heading to America form Africa. And how a child that drowned trying to escape Syria is sinking slave boats. I believe it goes deeper than that he often references forgiveness and kindness. So I believe a deeper problem is how we treat others with cold hearts. The audience is anyone that listens to it, because he doesn't specially select one group or people. But more encompasses everyone and gives them a taste of how he feels about his ancestors. The message he's trying to put across is just to open our eyes to modern day Chrises.

How technology is Changing America

This is a hard question to answer for me because I can't seem to get the Idea out of my head that in 30 years my older sisters generation is going to be at the place in their lives when they will be making important decisions in government an other influential positions that will affect me. Trends as of late seem to be moving towards almost a simpler way of life something that not so greedy and full of material objects. But At the same time you seem who's famous and influencing the youth now and they are flaunting unless objects. I also think that will technology and the abundance of news that people can really forge their own opinion on almost anything I hope that gives us a more transparent media. I think one of the main reason trump got elected is because of the advertisements on the regular television. Generally speaking the people who still watch news channels are the ones that are voting regularly. So with new technology I think this is going to change. for example the last voting session in Utah everyone in my family voted for the first time. All of us besides my parents are in our twenties so is cool to see that generation stepping up giving our opinion. With that being said I hope technology is going to help u get ride fo the old boys club.

Stealing is Wrong

Why is stealing wrong? Let me put a picture into your head. Think of the most important thing to you, the thing that makes you happy no matter how your feeling. Something that you've loved for a very long time. Now how did you get that that object? You had to work very hard for it right? It's something that you've earned and made sacrifices for. Now Imagine one day you come home and it's, someone took it from you. Stealing is taking something from someone that you didn't earn or something that someone else worked hard for and it belongs to them, they love that object. We don't steal because we want people to be happy and enjoy what they have worked for. We also don't steal because if we steal them something of ours might get stolen from us.

Personality Test

I have taken this test before and this time around I got a different answer but nothing that seems more fitting somehow. I got the Advocate personality and more specifically INFJ. The last time I took the test I got a ENFJ, so this time I feel like its more reflective on how I feel rather then what I've learned people want to see. I'm sure that most people feel that the test is pretty accurate as they are reading their results. But now I'm pretty convinced that this is what my actually personality is. Being that the last time I took the test was over a year ago and I'm getting nearly the same result. The strengths and weaknesses that they bring up seem very relevant in my life. The only thing is that I want to help with the use of design instead of being a doctor or counselor or anything like that. As an overall review it's all very accurate I can think of an exact situation for each personality trait thats brought up good or bad.

Public Observation notes.

I was located on the Fourth floor of the library. It was 11:30AM and I was sitting near the window overlooking the east side of campus. It was a sunny Tuesday and relatively warm for December. I noticed a few different kinds of people that would walk by below me or next to me in the library. The first was people that where obviously on their way to class or some other kind of meeting that was time sensitive. They would run though people with a great sense of purpose almost. I could see how you could take it as rude, but on the contrast was the ones who had no where to be. These people would slowly walk to wherever they had to go, opening the door for people and generally a slow pace to life. It was interesting to watch these two types interact with each other because it almost worked in a symbolic way.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What types of things tend to receive the most attention on the internet?

unfortunately sex sells. I believe that the internet also makes stupid people famous. I feel that things are getting more and more sexual in the untied states. For example if you watch a online show on Netflix, Hulu or amazon prime you'll notice that if the first season did well the second season will most defiantly have a noticeable increases in sexual interaction. I think people get attention and then to keep the attention they just start getting people naked. It's sad to be because it shows that they are not willing to be creative in their writing or screen play but instead fall back to a formula that's guaranteed to work but isn't tasteful. And the second thing is that social media has shined a light on the stupid people of the world. I actually have no idea how the kardasians are more of a household name in America then Winston Churchill or even Neil degrease. That alone shows where out attention and focus lies. Its a sad world when kids idolize plastic bodies instead of historical heroes.

Where do I obtain my news?

I receive my news exclusively from the internet. Mostly though news app for example NYT,SmartNews and other apps centered on news coverage. But mostly what happens it that I'll see something on social media and then go to the news app of my choice and read about it and find out what's going on. I find that when I keep up on the news constantly it gets depressing. I believe that news company decide to post things that are going to get the most views and usually means posting stuff that effects us with pathos. I like to think that the world is a nice place and we tend too only highlight the new or sad new instead of the cheerful and uplifting news. Also I hate reading about the constant news reports about Donald Trump. To summarize everything I keep to the internet because you can always dig a littler deeper then just that one news station or paper.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Do I believe in ghost or spirits?

I definitely believe in ghosts and spirits. To me there are a too many things that just can't be explained or coincidences that are just to perfect to be explainable. Ghost show up in folk lore across history and even in some more serious reports. I also believe that people don't just lie about random things. I have a tendency to ask people if they have any ghost stories and the ones that do have very intriguing stories to tell. What amazes me is the similarities between the stories. I don't know if that because everyone has read one ghost story and these bases theirs after that one? On the other hand it could mean that there are real and ghost have tendencies just like humans.