Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Where do I obtain my news?

I receive my news exclusively from the internet. Mostly though news app for example NYT,SmartNews and other apps centered on news coverage. But mostly what happens it that I'll see something on social media and then go to the news app of my choice and read about it and find out what's going on. I find that when I keep up on the news constantly it gets depressing. I believe that news company decide to post things that are going to get the most views and usually means posting stuff that effects us with pathos. I like to think that the world is a nice place and we tend too only highlight the new or sad new instead of the cheerful and uplifting news. Also I hate reading about the constant news reports about Donald Trump. To summarize everything I keep to the internet because you can always dig a littler deeper then just that one news station or paper.

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